This might surprise you about boatyard life

Hey, Reader!

When I tell people I am living in a boatyard in Mexico, I think the typical reaction is to feel sorry for me.

"When are you getting out of there?"

"That must be miserable."

"It must be so dirty and loud!"

"Sucks you have to be there for so long!"

I'll tell you a secret right now: I am ENJOYING living in the boatyard.

You must find that to be a strange confession. I haven't had a "real" shower in two months (instead, we take solar showers behind the van). I have to use a communal bathroom. The garbage bins are overflowing. Sometimes, the air smells like burning garbage. I listen to loud machinery five days per week, like the travel lift, forklift, and welding equipment.

Our Sprinter van is parked right by a rusty half-finished shrimp boat, about 50 feet from our sailboat, and is where I spend most days working on The Wayward Home.

Although this sounds like a miserable situation to some people, I am finding some relaxation and enjoyment from being in one place. Here are some things I am loving right now:

  • Having TIME to work on my online business, The Wayward Home. Working on a computer is so hard when traveling full-time in our van and sailboat (I just got approved for a feed over at If you have a chance, come follow me on MSN!)
  • Going on strenuous mountain bike rides with the two boatyard owners (father and son!) and their group of friends. They even gave me a nice bike to ride!
  • Hanging out with other sailors and van lifers at the boatyard. There are multiple people here with BOTH vans and boats
  • The incredibly cheap cost of living. Our "boatyard rent" is only $250 monthly for a campervan AND a sailboat, with access to electricity, garbage and bathrooms. Food, both at grocery stores and restaurants, is ridiculously cheap
  • Getting to walk on a beautiful beach just a couple blocks from the boatyard

There's lots going on at The Wayward Home:

Check out some of our most recent articles:

How have YOU been?? I'd love to hear from you!


P.S. Don't forget to check out my guide on renting a campervan in Italy!

Hey! Want to live the van life? Whether you're a weekend warrior or full-timer, I'm here to help.

I spend half the year in a DIY Sprinter van camper, and the other half on a sailboat. I want to help you achieve your nomadic living dreams. Join my email list for van life tips and advice, remote work ideas, personal stories and anecdotes, and more!

Read more from Hey! Want to live the van life? Whether you're a weekend warrior or full-timer, I'm here to help.

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